Thursday, August 19, 2010

DAY 57

My days are pretty routine at this point. 5am wake up when the Littleman climbs into my bed and proceeds to ninja kick me until I just give up and get myself ready for the day. Then I get him up and begin our "Potty, Toothbrushing, Face Washing" regimen or fight. Then it's breakfast time and preschool. Back home to check emails, print out daily job listings, prep letters, follow up emails etc. I'd forgotten how absolutely tedious the job hunt can be. I can't wait to be settled in a job and my own home.
Knitting progress has not been good but my friend Jane just had her baby so I really have to finish that baby blanket. I'd also love to send her some booties and a little hat and something for the new Big Brother. I miss my Cali friends so much. I hope I can visit sometime next year.

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