Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Progress is Good

The "Gold Bobble Booties" (from Old World Booties Pattern set) are coming along nicely. I did have a panic moment when the pattern seemed confusing. It called for a series of increases spelled out in detailed instructions. Then the pattern said to just "continue in this manner" working in the new stitches at the end of each needle and in the center until I reached the required number of stitches. I'm sure this is easy enough for most knitters but not knowing exactly where I should increase made me nervous about how the shape of booties would turn out.
Thankfully, it looks ok so far. Clearly I need to work on reading patterns and on adjusting patterns on the fly. My sister is able to modify any pattern to suit her needs, it's the designer in her. I on the contrary have to walk around with my pattern in a plastic jacket and refer to it constantly along with my copy of Knitter's Companion.

On a more confident note, I was able to whip up this amazing
dinner at the last minute yesterday. Twice-baked potatoes and sweet jalapeño stir fry. The potatoes were on the menu but the stir fry was the "Oh my God what are we gonna eat with this" contribution to the meal. Now if I could just remember to include a protein.

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